Our 20-week ultrasound was on Monday, and our tadpole was cooperative.... Are you ready?????
Our tadpole is a GIRL !!!!!
Yes indeed, we are being blessed with a little girl! I can't believe it - it's still crazy to actually be calling our tadpole a "she" after weeks of using "it" or "he/she". Both Matt and I are very happy, and it's making us think of so many different things now. Before, we would try to think about how our baby would be, what kind of personality it would have, what sports it might like, and we could only think of neutral things. But now, knowing it's a girl, it's all more specific - will she be a tomboy or a princess? Will she enjoy watching football with her dad? Will she like doing creative projects with her mom? Will she want to play soccer or softball or prefer gymnastics or dance instead? All kinds of things to wonder about. But it will all come in time - and she can choose to do whatever she wants!
The funny thing is that all this time, I was so sure that we were having a boy. So my little stinker is already throwing me for a loop :) I'd better get ready for a lot more of that!
Oh, and our apologies to the Hatfields and Millers - it looks like Landen and Robert will have to be the lone boys on either side of the family for a little bit. It will now be 4 girls to 1 boy for the Hatfields, and 6 girls to 1 boy for the Millers. Craziness! Definitely more Barbies and playing dress-up than super-heroes and GI Joe!
But what's more important than the question of boy or girl is that our ultrasound looks good so far, and we think that she's a healthy little one! We have a heart that's pumping well (we saw all 4 chambers of the heart! I still can't get over that!), a beautiful spine (you could see every vertebra so clearly!), two arms, two legs, feet, toes, hands, stomach, kidneys - you name it, we saw it! It was truly amazing. We'll find out more details on how healthy she is when we talk to our doctor on Tuesday, but we haven't gotten any phone calls yet that say otherwise. So, so far, so good. As for whether or not she has 2 well-developed hips (a concern of Matt's and mine considering Matt was born with hip displasia), we won't know anything until she's born. The ultrasound tech (who is actually a good friend of mine!) told us that at this stage, all of the baby's bones are not really connected well and haven't completely calcified or fused, so there's no way we could look for hip development. We'll just have to pray for the best!
We definitely have an active baby though. The whole time during the scan, she was moving all over the place, and the tech couldn't get her to stay still for some measurements. Then she'd get stubborn and stay still, but at a bad angle to see what we needed to see. Then she'd start moving and shaking again. I think we might have another gymnast on our hands!
I don't think that we'll have any more ultrasounds, unless something unexpected comes up, so that was the last time we get to see her until November. A little bittersweet, but I'm content though with the frequent kicks that she's giving me -it's such a good feeling just to know that she's there!
Our tadpole is a GIRL !!!!!
Yes indeed, we are being blessed with a little girl! I can't believe it - it's still crazy to actually be calling our tadpole a "she" after weeks of using "it" or "he/she". Both Matt and I are very happy, and it's making us think of so many different things now. Before, we would try to think about how our baby would be, what kind of personality it would have, what sports it might like, and we could only think of neutral things. But now, knowing it's a girl, it's all more specific - will she be a tomboy or a princess? Will she enjoy watching football with her dad? Will she like doing creative projects with her mom? Will she want to play soccer or softball or prefer gymnastics or dance instead? All kinds of things to wonder about. But it will all come in time - and she can choose to do whatever she wants!
The funny thing is that all this time, I was so sure that we were having a boy. So my little stinker is already throwing me for a loop :) I'd better get ready for a lot more of that!
Oh, and our apologies to the Hatfields and Millers - it looks like Landen and Robert will have to be the lone boys on either side of the family for a little bit. It will now be 4 girls to 1 boy for the Hatfields, and 6 girls to 1 boy for the Millers. Craziness! Definitely more Barbies and playing dress-up than super-heroes and GI Joe!
But what's more important than the question of boy or girl is that our ultrasound looks good so far, and we think that she's a healthy little one! We have a heart that's pumping well (we saw all 4 chambers of the heart! I still can't get over that!), a beautiful spine (you could see every vertebra so clearly!), two arms, two legs, feet, toes, hands, stomach, kidneys - you name it, we saw it! It was truly amazing. We'll find out more details on how healthy she is when we talk to our doctor on Tuesday, but we haven't gotten any phone calls yet that say otherwise. So, so far, so good. As for whether or not she has 2 well-developed hips (a concern of Matt's and mine considering Matt was born with hip displasia), we won't know anything until she's born. The ultrasound tech (who is actually a good friend of mine!) told us that at this stage, all of the baby's bones are not really connected well and haven't completely calcified or fused, so there's no way we could look for hip development. We'll just have to pray for the best!
We definitely have an active baby though. The whole time during the scan, she was moving all over the place, and the tech couldn't get her to stay still for some measurements. Then she'd get stubborn and stay still, but at a bad angle to see what we needed to see. Then she'd start moving and shaking again. I think we might have another gymnast on our hands!
I don't think that we'll have any more ultrasounds, unless something unexpected comes up, so that was the last time we get to see her until November. A little bittersweet, but I'm content though with the frequent kicks that she's giving me -it's such a good feeling just to know that she's there!
2. Right arm w/ a fist :)
3. Spine (head on right facing down & back; she's kind of curled upside down)