Tuesday, August 11, 2009

27 weeks and counting...

Happy 27 weeks to our tadpole!

I got an update from one of my weekly pregnancy emails about how our tadpole is growing right now, so I thought that I'd share with you! Her length is about 14-15 inches from head to toe, and she weighs 2-2.5 pounds. Her eyes are opening and closing, she is turning her head and practicing "looking" movements, and she's able to dream while sleeping. She is very active (no kidding!!!!),her lungs are also almost fully developed, and the convolutions and wrinkles on the surface of her brain are starting to appear. And in terms of food - our tadpole is the size of an eggplant!

I'm always finding this thing called pregnancy a fascinating thing - our baby is growing, and doing it all by itself! All I am is a modified oven for it to bake in! But after reading about what's happening now, what fascinates me most is that our baby is able to dream. What do you suppose she's dreaming about? When I think about my dreams, usually they're about things that are common in my life, or that I've heard about, or experienced. But what has our baby experienced yet? What could she know? Is she having a happy dream about that awesome taste she experienced last week and can't wait for mom to eat it again? Is my voice resonating in her dream as something kind and soothing? Or is she having a nightmare about those crazy stomach noises that are so loud inside? I don't know. But seriously, it's pretty fascinating to wonder what a baby could be dreaming about!

As for other things - Matt has been under the weather with some sort of flu thing for the past 2 days, so I've been steering clear of him lately, which has been tough. On my end, I have a huge deadline at work next week, so science and numbers have been hurting my brain and keeping me very busy at work. But other than that, things are okay. Just busy with normal life things, and also getting ready for baby. Accomplishment of the weekend was that we installed the nursery ceiling fan, and Matt primed half of the walls. We're recruiting anyone who wants the fun job of trimming out the cathedral ceilings :) Okay - don't all volunteer at once :) I hear the faint sound of crickets chirping...

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